Two Vendors

A typical scene of food stalls at a festival in Asakusa, Tokyo.

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Tokyo shop guardian

This shop keeper must have been inspired by the traditional ferocious creatures that guard temples and the like.

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printed in color, in large sizes only
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Preparing garlands at the all-night flower market in Bangkok.

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printed in color, in large sizes only
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Tokyo seafood JOINT

One of the many superb ‘enter and eat’ seafood places in Tokyo.

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printed in color, in large sizes only
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Dutch drizzle

A typical grey day in a northern Dutch town.

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printed in color, in large sizes only
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One of the 100,000 eateries in Tokyo, this one is found in a backstreet of Asakusa.

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Karel van Wolferen Photography Street Carrying Mikoshi Shrine in Asakusa

Mikoshi Shrine

Carrying Mikoshi Shrine in Asakusa.

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printed in color, in large sizes only
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Karel van Wolferen Photography Street Inside-out shop

Inside-out shop


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printed in color, in large sizes only
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Karel van Wolferen street Ayuthya Cocks

Ayuthya Cocks

Commemorating a solution by a Burmese King, who was tired of the many wars he fought with Thailand, and who decided instead to have cock-fights held to determine the victor. In Ayutthaya – Temple of a Thousand Roosters.

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printed in color, in large sizes only
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Karel van Wolferen street Sukhotai Monks

Sukhotai Monks Remembered

Sukhothai, one of the old Thai capitals.

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printed in color, in large sizes only
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Setting up for the evening trade in Chinatown, Bangkok.

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printed in color, in large sizes only
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Engagement in Asakusa

Exquisite details can be important in street photography. They need not be immediately apparent. The one here can only be observed by looking at it in an enlarged version of the image. The farthest away from the eye shows a young couple interacting with each other over the offerings chest of the famous is Asakusa Temple. They talked, reached out with their hands, and finally kissed. This cannot, I think, have been anything else but an improvised engagement ceremony.

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printed in color, in large sizes only
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Along a Thai road

Thailand is a country of great scenes that are entirely outside the tourist trap of the well known temples and beaches.  It is littered with scenes such as this one.

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printed in color, in large sizes only
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Karel van Wolferen Photography Street Generation Duplicat vervanging

Generation duplicat

Like mother like daughter.

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printed in color, in large sizes only
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Monks on vacation

These three monks take the time to capture their visit to a giant Buddha statue.

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printed in color, in large sizes only
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Living along the canal

This family’s Bangkok canal house stands out for the details of domestic existence cramped into very small space along a canal. 

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printed in color, in large sizes only
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My son Sebastian’s his first beachside meeting with two of France’s cinema greats.

street photography
printed in color, in large sizes only
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A quick nap between 12hour shifts

This Bangkok flower grabs a quick nap between rounds of supplying the never ending Bangkok flower market.

street photography
printed in color, in large sizes only
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